Sit back and let Putin hold your feet to the fire…, er, put your feet up next to the fire, Trump-style, with The Donald Trump Yuge Yule...
Lies, all lies!
Shocking, just shocking!
#1 - Even all the candy corn and Good & Plenties are gone.
Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, acceptance…then one day later, it starts to grow mold and you have to throw it out. Happy Halloween!
“Basically the reason Brooklyn is full of Midwesterners.”
HAHAHAHA — oh dear, this hits too close to home.
Babies AND the middle finger: two of my favorite things! (Especially when they’re mine.)
There’s not enough orientation in the world to prepare you for this.…
This is why it’s so important to document EVERYTHING YOU DO with your child on social media.
Today's news served without the distracting details and credible facts.