#TikTokTuesday! Because we need something to whet our appetite until the tacos come out.
Sick? No, of COURSE they’re not sick!
No more Zoom meetings?! No more elastic waistband pants?!
"A little Drano in your cup will clear your sinuses right up and quench your thirst unless it kills you first," he sings.
"Also, when he said everyone can get a test...what he meant was, almost no one.”
"Mask made from my thong..."
If you're going to be quarantined with family, this is definitely the kind of family you want to be stuck with.
Forget aliens -- Sigourney Weaver knows the real enemy to humanity is the coronavirus.
“You gotta pee a little bit every time you move.”
Just when we thought we couldn’t love Julia Louis-Dreyfus any more, she posts this funny video of her applying her own makeup in the absence of...
Alright, alright, alright!
A funny soap opera filmed via Zoom during quarantine.