The Original Ending of the Movie Se7en — Revealed!
Only The Jest has a peek at the original movie endings
More often than not, the final product shown in movie theaters is a far cry from the screenwriter’s initial intentions. Only The Jest has a peek at the original movie endings; up this week…
Starring Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow & Morgan Freeman
EXT. MARSHLANDS, INDUSTRIAL ROAD -- EARLY EVENING The deliveryman takes a brown package, about a foot square, from the van. DELIVERYMAN This guy paid me twenty bucks to bring it out here. He wanted it here at exactly seven o'clock. SOMERSET Put it down. Put it on the ground. DELIVERYMAN Okay... He puts it on the road and backs away, holding up his hands. Somerset glances into the field to see Doe on his knees with Mills behind him. Somerset looks at the package. Written on top: DETECTIVE WILLIAM SOMERSET -- HANDLE WITH CARE. SOMERSET (to deliveryman) Go. Get out of here! The deliveryman backs off, then scrambles into the van. Somerset pulls back his bullet-proof vest and speaks into the mic. SOMERSET There's a package here. It's from John Doe. The van tears away. Somerset doesn't know what to do. He walks around the package, reholsters his gun. SOMERSET I don't know... I don't know... He looks out towards Doe and Mills. INT. HELICOPTER -- EARLY EVENING California waits, listening, looking into the blood-red sky. SOMERSET (.o.) (through headset) I'm going to have to open it. Somerset pulls his switchblade, clicks it open. He cuts across the top of the box, hands shaking, cuts quickly. He pulls the box open, pulls at some bubble-wrap inside. INT. POLICE HELICOPTER -- EARLY EVENING The pilot grits his teeth. PILOT (into helmet mic) Let's go! CALIFORNIA We are going to wait! California listens. SOMERSET (v.o.) (through headset) Oh, Christ... oh, Christ... EXT. MARSHLANDS, INDUSTRIAL ROAD -- EARLY EVENING Somerset stumbles backwards, away from the open box. He leans against his car for support, holds the back of his hand to his mouth. SOMERSET No... ZOOM INSIDE THE BOX TO REVEAL A BIRTHDAY CAKE. JOHN DOE/MILLS/PILOT/CALIFORNIA Surprise! SOMERSET I can't believe this. How'd you guys know?! JOHN DOE A little birdy told us. Eat up! It's ice cream, your favorite. Somerset shakes his head, laughing. Mills and John Doe high-five, as we... FADE TO: BLACK. THE END.