Local News
Woman Devastated to See Her Muffin Top Exploited on Local News Report
“I couldn’t believe it at first, but then they showed my front with a black bar across my eyes,” she says.
CHICAGO — An Evanston woman who requested to be identified only as “Lydia” is said to be devastated after recognizing her muffin top on an ABC-7 report about the rise of obesity.
Lydia says the story first caught her attention when the reporter used such descriptions as “alarming” and “an epidemic even more dangerous than global warming and Chernobyl combined.”
Then, the unthinkable happened.
“I was mashing my potatoes and happened to look up, only to see a shot of my big butt walking down Michigan Avenue,” recalled Lydia. “I couldn’t believe it at first, but then they showed my front with a black bar across my eyes. And I knew that was me: the ‘obese’ one.
“I swear they gave my belly more rolls than it really has. Like, digitally, maybe? Yeah, that must be it,” she added.
Lydia is not the first Chicago-area resident to be victimized by the local news; a Wilmette man whose house was featured in a report about offensively tacky Christmas decorations recently filed a lawsuit against WGN-9 for defamation of character. Both the plaintiff and the television station refused to comment on the pending suit.