"A little Drano in your cup will clear your sinuses right up and quench your thirst unless it kills you first," he sings.
“Always be my orange face clown.” Awwww.
This is why stars dread the question, "Can I take a picture with you?"
"Four score and say what now?"
Only we have an exclusive sneak peek!
Wow, this is really getting out of hand. Someone just doctored video of @realDonaldTrump to make him sound more presidential. pic.twitter.com/iR1D2oMawg — John Aravosis 🇺🇸 (@aravosis)...
"The Great Twatsby."
If you’re not familiar with Randy Rainbow, he’s kind of like Weird Al, but with a moral purpose — plus a more biting sense of humor...
Funny musical video from Randy Rainbow about Trump's ties to Russia in parody of "The Rainbow Connection."
Tina Fey hosting a fundraiser? I want to go to there.
In his first TV interview since becoming president, Donald Trump showed the world that he’s not a narcissistic man-toddler (phew!), but rather a narcissistic mad man (bummer). Some...